Making music in Greater Manchester or working in the industry? Apply to be part of our Factory Sounds 2025 cohort today.

Every year we support 11 extraordinary people working in music. This year we’re increasing this support to 15 talented individuals.

Whether you’re a musician, technician, label or creative, Factory Sounds is for you. We're particularly interested in supporting the development of people who are underrepresented in the sector.

Want to find our more? Meet our wonderful Factory Sounds alumni here.

Supported by

Factory Sounds 2025

Bennettiscoming wearing a black tracksuit top, on a bright red background. They are holding a hand above their head.
Get to know the next cohort of Greater Manchester musicians joining Factory Sounds in 2025

How it works

We’re offering financial support of up to £1,000 for anyone based in Greater Manchester who’s involved in music, whether as a professional or amateur. This includes musicians and DJs, producers and promoters, even label owners and managers. Simply send us a proposal mapping out why you’d like to receive financial support (details are below) and we’ll consider your pitch.

Do you need help to make or complete a recording? Perhaps you’re a label wanting to promote some new releases or you’re looking for support to present a gig or live event. Perhaps a little financial support will go a long way towards giving you the headspace to make new music. Or maybe you just want to buy some equipment. Factory Sounds can provide the support you need.

Successful applicants will receive:

- Peer to peer support through regular meetings with your Factory Sounds cohort and specialist members of the Factory International team, who will help support your artistic development

- Three mentorship sessions with an industry member

- £1000 to support your creative development

- Tailored workshops and other creative opportunities

- Access to a bespoke space for developing music

- The opportunity to perform in the Social as part of our public programme

How to apply

To apply for this programme, please complete the link below with your name and contact details including an expression of interest – either written or recorded as a short video (up to five minutes) answering the points below with a short pitch.

  • What you’d like to do and how you’d plan to do it
  • How you would spend or allocate your budget of up to £1000 (a rough idea is fine; you don’t need to create a digital budget at this point)
  • Who you are, including links to your previous work
  • Any practical support you might need to fulfil your proposal


Underrepresented groups are those who have a lack of representation, and consequently less of a voice, in a specific industry or body. For this programme, we’re particularly keen to hear from applicants whose lived experience is currently underrepresented within the UK creative industries, including but not limited to those from low-income backgrounds, trans and gender diverse people, women, people from the Global Majority, and those who identify D/deaf, disabled and/or neurodiverse. 

Key dates

Applications open: Wednesday 4 December 2024, 10am

Applications close: Monday 20 January 2025, 10am

Apply now

Please click the following link to submit your application.

Got a question? Please email our Artist Development Manager Punam Ramchurn on


Factory Sounds 2024

Headshot of Norrisette and Markus Hetheier on a bright pink background
Get to know the next brilliant cohort of Factory Sounds musicians who will be developing their skills in 2024.

Factory Sessions

Explore our Factory Sessions featuring alumni of the Factory Sounds programme and get to know the artists.

Other opportunities

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