MIF Daily – Tuesday 11 July
Our first country gig brings John Grant and Richard Hawley together in tribute to Patsy Cline – plus in the studio with Blast Theory
Ready to immerse yourself in the wonders of Manchester International Festival, but don’t know where to start? MIF Daily is our guide to the festival. A daily round-up of the hottest events and content to help you navigate what’s on.
We’ll tell you what to read, watch, listen and do – all the good stuff. Have a quick scroll, discover a new artist, learn something new.
Like what you see? Discover more at Factory+
We’re jumping into the Factory+ archive today, reading Kemi Alemoru’s guest edit on the political nature of space.
Choose from articles on Manchester’s queer history, the Black British Pilgrimage, designer Mac Collins at the Venice Architecture Biennale and more.
We love this piece by Ed Gillet, which explores how unlicensed Black British music spaces laid the foundations for UK dance music. It's a perfect deep dive ahead of a jam-packed music programme this week at MIF.
'The story of UK dance music is, to a large extent, also a story about physical space: who owns it, who controls it, who has access to it and what it’s used for'.
We Cut Through Dust is an interactive walking tour through a post-apocalyptic Manchester – put together by Blast Theory and Manchester Street Poem.
We visited Blast Theory in their studio in East Sussex to find out how the group merge new technologies with popular culture to make interactive art exploring social and political questions.
Can’t get enough? If you’re attending tomorrow’s performance at 3.30pm or 4pm, there is also a Q&A with Ju Row Farr of Blast Theory and Simon Leroux of Manchester Street Poem included with your ticket.
It may be Tuesday but we’re gearing up for the weekend.
On Saturday, Desi Factory is taking over the Hall – a night of South Asian music curated by Manchester creative pioneer Sam Malik.
Listen to Desi Factory x MIF 15 July 2023 for an introduction to some of the city’s hottest up-and-coming talent featuring Zack Knight, Ezu, Bobby Friction, Bambi Bains, Joash, Kami Kane, Luqy Freezy and more.
Get your cowboy boots out (no, it’s not a Harry Styles concert). We’re going classic country tonight in the Hall with a tribute to country legend Patsy Cline.
Singer-songwriter John Grant joins Richard Hawley and band to sing the songs of Patsy Cline including classics like Walkin’ After Midnight and Crazy.
Join us for a country celebration with two of the best live artists around. See the event details here.
Image: Sully