Free Your Mind Cast
Meet the Free Your Mind cast – featuring performers, child performers and battery walkers.
Jimmy Allan, Kyron Jake Anthony, Emily Bajic, Nicey Belgrave, Kristine Berget, Tanaka Bingwa, Mark Boyce, Ellis Brownhill, Jordan Clarke, Paris Crossley, Kyrah Decoteau, Hanna Dimtsu, Emily Dodd, Holly Dunsmore, Annie Joy Edwards, Lexi Finch, Lia Garner, Jamie Graham, Alice Grimes, Ian Harris, Lauren ‘Fidget’ Haywood, Emma Houston, Kotoha Ito, Chase Johnston, Anmol Kaur, Ariana Leon, Antonia Lomas, Kyah Lomax, Brandon Mallipal, Cara Marsh, Kelsey ‘Hydro’ Miller, Reon Nash, Yolanda Newsome, Nicole Nyemi-Tei, Corey Owens, Joe Price, Miguel Semedo, Kieron Simms, Katy Smith, Rita Spider, Lauren Stewart, Chad Taylor, Masaiya Thomas, Iona Turnbull, Mikey Ureta, Jules Valentine, Jack Webster, Samuel Wise, Gabriela Wołosik, Cameron Woolnough
Rehearsal photography by Tristram Kenton