Leeroy New X Ocean Generation Learning Resources
Consider how you can take a creative approach to climate action through our interactive learning resources
Sustainability Meets Art
This Autumn, artist-designer Leeroy New takes over the Social at Aviva Studios with a colourful commentary on consumerism as part of The Welcome. Leeroy’s brand-new installation Balete Spacecraft will make us consider how much plastic we’ve used today, how much have we chucked away, and where it all goes.
To celebrate, we're launching a brand new learning resource which brings together Ocean Generation’s Ocean Intelligence approach of translating complex Ocean science into engaging and practical tools with Leeroy New’s artistic approach to re-using plastic waste!
The activities in this resource are available for use at home or in the classroom and can be done individually or developed into a scheme of work. Each activity will encourage discussion and reflection and will support learners to consider how to take climate action to ensure an Ocean positive future.
Share your creations with learning@factoryinternational.org