A person wearing an Oculus Pro headset during the production of Sweet Dreams

What is Digital Puppetry? | Art of Technology

Sweet Dreams is the first story-driven work by Marshmallow Laser Feast. The tale of a fading fast-food empire, home to Chicky Ricky and his crew of surreal mascots.

Find out how Marshmallow Laser Feast bring Chicky Ricky to life through digital puppeteering – a new technology that has the potential to redefine the character animation process. Watch as they capture movement using an Oculus Pro Headset, which morphs into a physical language for Chicky Ricky on screen.

With evolving technology, animated characters are becoming more human and bringing stories (quite literally) to life. Perfect for the surreal world of Sweet Dreams.

Sweet Dreams is a brand new immersive adventure by artist collective Marshmallow Laser Feast, which runs from 11 July to 1 September 2024.

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