Parliament of Ghosts

Parliament of Ghosts
Ibrahim Mahama
Fri 5 July, 2019
Sun 29 September, 2019
- About the show
- Reviews
This major installation reflects on the half-forgotten history of Ibrahim Mahama’s home country: Ghana, whose journey from British colony to independent nation was completed barely 60 years ago.
The heart of Parliament of Ghosts is a haunting assemblage of lost objects, rescued and repurposed to form a vast parliamentary chamber in the heart of the Whitworth. Abandoned train seats and faded railway sleepers, scrapped school furniture and documents from governmental archives: Mahama lends powerful new context to this residue from a nation in transition. Also encompassing painting, sculpture, photography and film, Parliament of Ghosts beautifully evokes the histories and memories of a country and its people asserting their independence.
Commissioned and produced by Manchester International Festival and the Whitworth, The University of Manchester.
With thanks to Hawkins\Brown and Civic Engineers.
Photo: White Cube George Darrell