Donate to Factory International

As a registered charity, we rely on the kindness of supporters like you to help us train and develop the best emerging artists, widen participation across the region through our community engagement programmes, and commission even more unforgettable experiences right here in Manchester.

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If you are a UK taxpayer, your donation qualifies for GiftAid, enabling us to reclaim the basic rate of income tax on every pound you donate. GiftAid boosts your donation by up to 25%, meaning a contribution of £100 becomes £125. If you would like to speak to us about other ways you can support Factory International, please be in touch at

Other ways to donate

  • You can add a donation when you purchase tickets directly at box office or when you book online
  • Collection points will soon be available at the Aviva Studios and you can tap to donate the amount of your choice

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    Honour a loved one, remember a special moment, or take up space all for yourself.
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