Yoko Ono

Thu 4 July, 2019

  • About the show
  • Creative team

Yoko Ono invited the people of Manchester to gather together in Cathedral Gardens and send a message of peace to the world. Thousands of diverse voices and a people’s orchestra of bells from home and abroad rang and sang out for peace – welcoming the world to Manchester.

People across Greater Manchester designed and created their own unique handcrafted ceramic bells at a series of special workshops.

‘Come and join together to send a message of peace to the world. The beauty of this piece will break the sky and more. Ring for peace! PEACE is POWER! I love you all.’ – Yoko Ono

Commissioned and produced by Manchester International Festival. Supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation as part of My Festival.

Find out what our Creative Critics thought here.



Image Credit: Danny Lawson

Event Director – Emily Lim 
Site Designers – Shizuka Hariu & Shin Hagiwara
Video Designer – Ian William Galloway  
Sound Designers – Ben and Max Ringham

Ceramic Bells – Produced by communities across Greater Manchester, facilitated by Standard Practice.

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