
Curation, from Latin: cura, meaning 'to take care of, look after’.

Noun: the process of selecting artistic/creative work, performers or performances to be shared as part of a show, exhibition or event.

What should Factory International be doing for younger audiences? Who or what do you want to see commissioned here? This is your opportunity to shape the future of programming for young people at Factory International...

The Young Curators programme is an opportunity for 6 young creatives to work with leading industry professionals and artists to explore curation and work towards a commission at Aviva Studios in 2025. As a Young Curator, you will develop knowledge, skills and networks as a future leader in the arts. This programme seeks to address underrepresentation and encourage creatives who have little or no experience in curation.

What will I gain?

As a Young Curator, you will:

  • Receive a bursary of £1,000
  • Receive £200 each to spend experiencing art
  • Meet regularly as a collective 
  • Establish a meaningful network of artists, curators and leaders
  • Share inspirations and develop creative ideas with industry experts 
  • Develop a portfolio of work and skills providing a pathway into the creative industry
  • Influence the future of curation at Factory International
  • Work towards a commission at Aviva Studios in 2025

How does the programme work?

Working with industry leading curators, artists and producers to learn about curation and the artistic process from a wide variety of perspectives and experiences. 

Take a deep dive into Factory International to contextualise an informed response to a brief for a commission at Aviva Studios in 2025.

Watching work, discovering culture, sharing inspirations and meeting artists to come together in a collective shared vision, in response to the brief.

Artistic decision-making to select artist(s) to work with, in the curation of the commission(s).

See your artistic vision come to life at Aviva Studios in 2025.

Workshops and one-to-one mentoring to support the next steps of your creative career.

Who can apply?

You’re eligible for this programme if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • Based in Manchester or Greater Manchester
  • Aged 18-30 yrs
  • Underrepresented in the creative industry
  • Available on all delivery dates
  • Have previously engaged with Factory International as a participant
  • Willing to experiment, push boundaries and work collaboratively

If you think you may be eligible but aren’t sure, please contact learning@factoryinternational.org for further support. We’re aware of the barriers young creatives may face within the creative industry, and we don’t want that to stop you from accessing this opportunity.

Key dates

Deadline to apply: Monday 28 October, 12pm

Interview Day: Tuesday 5 November

Programme Delivery Dates

The Young Curators will meet regularly in a mix of full-day and evening sessions throughout the programme, on scheduled dates as follows:

Wednesday 27 November, 9.30am–5pm

Thursday 28 November, 9.30am–5pm

Friday 29 November, 9am–9pm (Trip)

Thursday 9 January, 9.30am–5pm

Thursday 13 February, 9.30am–5pm

Tuesday 8 April, 9.30am–5pm

Friday 22 November, 5.30–9pm

Tuesday 10 December, 6–9pm 

Thursday 13 March, 6–9pm 

Thursday 8 May, 6–9pm 

Thursday 12 June, 6–9pm 

Thursday 10 July, 6–9pm 

Thursday 14 August, 6–9pm 

Thursday 11 September, 6–9pm 

Thursday 9 October, 6–9pm 

Thursday 13 November, 6–9pm 

Wednesday 22 January, 6–8pm 

Wednesday 26 February, 6–8pm 

Wednesday 26 March, 6–8pm 

Wednesday 23 April, 6–8pm 

Wednesday 21 May, 6–8pm 

Wednesday 25 June, 6–8pm 

Wednesday 23 July, 6–8pm 

Wednesday 27 August, 6–8pm 

Wednesday 24 September, 6–8pm 

Wednesday 22 October, 6–8pm 

Aside from these fixed dates, there will be additional opportunities outside of these times to attend meetings, events, talks and one-off workshops which will be scheduled in conversation with the cohort.


We’ve tried to make the application process as accessible and straightforward as possible. To apply, simply click on the ‘APPLY NOW’ button and answer each question on the form. You may answer in video format at the top of the application page, or by typing in the boxes below – whatever works best for you.

If you have any access requirements or need further support when applying, please contact learning@factoryinternational.org.

Yes, attendance at all sessions is required to participate in the programme. This includes all full days and evening sessions. Travel expenses for required sessions will be covered. For any access requirements or additional support when applying, please contact learning@factoryinternational.org.

All mandatory dates are listed in the ‘Programme Delivery Dates’ section above. Applicants must commit to the entire programme including all of the dates shown in the schedule. There will be other optional opportunities outside of these dates, which participants are expected to attend if possible. 

Young Curators is a 12-month, development programme for six young creatives aged 18 to 30. Through a series of workshops, masterclasses, and expert mentoring, participants will gain the skills, knowledge, and inspiration to curate innovative and bold work that reflects the collective’s shared creative vision. The programme explores curation and programming, with sessions delivered by industry leaders. Participants will work directly with artists, curators, producers, and Factory International staff, and will have the chance to curate commissions at Aviva Studios. This hands-on experience will equip them with the confidence, connections, and expertise as future leaders in the arts.

This programme is free. Food and travel will be covered for all days required to attend. (Up to £8 per person travel expenses per in-person day – please email learning@factoryinternational.org if you require further financial support for travel due to access needs). 

  • Food and travel expenses on in-person days. (Up to £8 per person travel expenses per in-person day – please email learning@factoryinternational.org if you require further financial support for travel due to access needs). 
  • Access to technology needed to complete the programme. 

You’re eligible for this programme if you meet all of the following criteria: 

  • Based in Manchester or Greater Manchester 
  • Aged 18-30 yrs
  • Underrepresented in the creative industry
  • Available on all delivery dates
  • Have previously engaged with Factory International as a participant
  • Are willing to experiment, push boundaries and work collaboratively  

If you think you may be eligible but aren’t sure, please contact learning@factoryinternational.org for further support. We’re aware of the barriers young creatives may face within the creative industry, and we don’t want that to stop you receiving a career-defining opportunity for growth and development. 

A participant of Factory International is someone who has engaged with a Factory International activity before. You may have been enrolled on a Factory Academy course or part of an artist development opportunity or even attended a workshop delivered by the Factory International team.

If you’re unsure about whether you’re a previous participant, please contact learning@factoryinternational.org for further support. Please note, purchasing a ticket to attend a Factory International event doesn’t make you a participant.

Underrepresented groups are those who have a lack of representation, and consequently less of a voice, in a specific industry or body. For this programme, we’re particularly keen to hear from applicants whose lived experience is currently underrepresented within the UK creative industries, including but not limited to those from low-income backgrounds, trans and gender diverse people, women, people from the Global Majority, and those who identify D/deaf, disabled and/or neurodiverse. 

The first step is to apply on our website today! Following the 28th October closing date, a number of applicants will be selected by our panel (composed of a range of Factory International team members and freelance delivery professionals) to participate in an interview on Tuesday 5 November, and in the days after you will be notified if you’ve been successful.

We’re looking for a cohort of young creatives, with varied experience and artistic disciplines. At Factory International, we aim to push the boundaries of interdisciplinary art. This project reflects that core vision, so we’re looking for artists/creatives of all disciplines.

Whether you work with AI, digital, music, content creation, photography or even something creative that may not fit into any box, we want to hear from you. Many people who could have had a place on the programme won’t apply due to believing they aren’t the right kind of artist or creative – if you’re creative and want to be part of the Young Curators programme, please apply.

We’re looking for a cohort of young creatives with varied experience and artistic disciplines. You may have an interest in creativity or art or you may be a practising professional, who has strong ideas about what curation should look like at Factory International. We will select a varied cohort, from those with an active interest or passion in creativity to professionals in the creative industry to performers and a range of other backgrounds. You don’t have to have worked professionally or curated before to take part in this programme – if you’re creative and want to be part of the Young Curators programme, please apply.

Contact us

Got a question? Drop the team an email at learning@factoryinternational.org

Apply now

Please follow the link to complete your application.

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