Inspire Schools
Design a climate-themed zine in this creative digital project for secondary schools, supported by Apple
This project is inspired by the Southbank Centre’s summer season of multi-artform programming focusing on the climate emergency.
Each zine will feature poetry, illustration and creative writing, developing skills in literacy, design, IT and citizenship.
Schools will work with artists, graphic designers, illustrators and climate experts to design their own zines responding to the climate emergency.
Projects take place from the spring 2023 term, leading up to events in the summer where the zines are showcased at the Southbank Centre, Factory International and Midlands Arts Centre (MAC). The zines will also be part of an online exhibition.
Inspire Schools is part of REFRAME, an initiative supported by Apple and produced by the Southbank Centre with Factory International in Manchester and STEAMhouse and Midlands Arts Centre (MAC) in Birmingham.
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