A Statement from Manchester’s Arts and Cultural Organisations

We have all been deeply saddened at the tragic events of Monday at Manchester Arena.  Our hearts go out to the families, friends and loved ones of the victims, and to all of those affected by this terrible attack.  The fact that the attack took place at a concert, where young people were gathered to enjoy music and each others’ company is a particular source of sadness.

While nothing can overcome the terrible loss, the determination and resilience of the people of Manchester has been remarkable, and Manchester’s cultural organisations will play their part in the city’s response. We will all be working closely with the police, the city council and other relevant bodies to ensure that our venues and events remain safe. We will also be following the advice of the City Council to continue, wherever possible, with all our planned activity, demonstrating the city’s spirit and strength.

Manchester is a city defined by its great culture. We all intend to play our part in continuing to build and share this culture, and to welcome visitors from the city and the world to our creative events and spaces.

AND Festival

Band on the Wall


Castlefield Gallery

Coliseum Theatre

Film Hub North West Central

Hallé Orchestra



Manchester International Festival

Manchester Museum

Museum of Science and Industry

National Football Museum

Octagon Theatre

Royal Exchange Theatre

Whitworth Art Gallery



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