Factory International has a dedicated Press & PR team who are on hand to supply press materials, arrange interview opportunities, review tickets, photo passes and answer enquiries.

A selection of press releases, broadcast footage and high-resolution images are available to download from our online media library. To request access please email press@factoryinternational.org

You can find a range of embeddable videos on our YouTube channel.

For any other press queries, or to join our media mailing list, you can contact press@factoryinternational.org


If you would like to attend any our press performances or views please contact press@factoryinternational.org.

Requests are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Plus ones will only be allocated where capacity allows, unless required to support an access need.


Filming and photography of our events and venue may only take place by prior arrangement to obtain consent. If you have a media filming or photography enquiry, please contact us at press@factoryinternational.org with a minimum of 2 weeks lead time.

Our Photography and Filming policy can be found here.

If your query is about commercial filming and photography, please contact events@factoryinternational.org with a minimum of 4 weeks lead time.

Contact us

The Press & PR team are:

Emma Robertson, Head of Press & PR
+44(0)7813 521104

Alex Hall, Press & PR Manager

Shelly Ramsdale, Press & PR Manager

Anja Samy, Press Officer

Out of hours press contact
If you need to contact the Press Office out of hours please contact
Alex Hall +44 (0)7464 744 316


Join our media mailing list

To sign up to our media mailing list, please email press@factoryinternational.org indicating any specific art forms or subjects you are interested in.

Sign up ↓